Calculator Won T Open
In this way, some applications won’t be able to launch by some other user. We listed down a number of fixes reported by our community. Solution 1: Reinstalling Calculator. Most of the Windows in-built applications allow uninstalling option directly from their properties. However, applications like calculator don’t have such an.
Calculator Will Not Open Windows 10
Confirm the issue that this solution resolves by checking in the Event Viewer:Applications and Services Log Microsoft Windows Apps Microsoft-Windows-TWinUI/OperationalThe error message in the event log clearly states because its package is in a Modified state.Open the registry and go to the following path and delete all of the keys under PackageList.HKLM Software Microsoft Windows CurrentVersion AppModel StateChange PackageListThe applications having issues should be listed as subkeys.Delete those keys. (If you prefer, you can export the keys prior to deleting them).You can now test the applications to ensure they work. The icons may not have been updated yet to refelect the resolution, but the application should start correctly.A reboot will restore the icons.